As schools prepare for the return of all students in September, several guidance documents have been produced to support staff in delivering socially distanced and inclusive physical activity for both primary and secondary students.

Updated: 17th July, 2020

Delivering socially distanced physical activity

The Association for Physical Education:

The Association for Physical Education has published guidance to support the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (education based) workforce. It will help to effectively identify the areas to consider, the suggested practice and the potential implications. Click here to download the guide.

UK Active:

UK Active's framework seeks to support staff working in schools and facilities to deliver physical activity programming in the safest way possible, focusing on measures that can be put in place to deliver activity clubs and out of school provision post COVID-19.  Click here to download the guide.

Coronavirus Support for Schools

The Youth Sport Trust have put together a range of guides to help schools recover from the consequences of Covid-19 and provide ideas for delivery of school sport.  These documents should be used in conjunction with the latest government guidance.

Safe Return of School Sport - Framework and Planning Tool:

This tool poses questions and provides principles to ensure that the provision of physical activity and sporting opportunities support the most vulnerable, help students re-socialise and to rebuild their physical, social and emotional confidence.

School Sport and Enrichment Response to Covid-19:

School sport through enrichment can be used to help settle ALL children and young people on return to school post COVID-19 by providing opportunities for challenge, connectedness and friendship, giving young people support and a sense of belonging whilst having fun. This document gives ideas for activities, their intent and the delivery mechanism.

PE Response to Covid-19 for SEND children - KS1 - KS4:

This resource provides you with some suggested activities for inclusive PE to help pupils return to school linked to the impact of COVID-19.

Primary PE teaching tips:

This resource provides you with some suggested teaching principles for primary PE to help keep children safe and take care of their wellbeing.

Secondary response to Covid-19:

This resource provides you with some suggested activities for secondary PE to help pupils return to school linked to the impact of COVID-19.

If you have any queries or require further assistance, please contact Claire Mansfield