The Inclusively Fit Programme was a pilot, to explore and challenge the perceptions around physical activity and the various barriers for people with disabilities to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Jean has been volunteering within the Inclusively Fit Project for around three years, following her previous career as a physiotherapist. She supports inclusive sessions held at Shrewsbury Sports Village. During these sessions Jean offers suggestions of how attendees might make best use of the facilities at Shrewsbury Sports Village enabling them to increase and improve their own level of activity. Also 1:1 support is offered to those with varied physical conditions in using the gym effectively and appropriately.

Jean explained how the sessions give clients, who may not feel able to access the facilities and equipment, the chance to do so, supported by people with the relevant expertise. She describes herself as “a stepping stone to accessing facilities more independently if folk so wish.”  She also told us how the volunteering has a positive impact on her own life as she is able to share her knowledge and understanding from her previous career as a physiotherapist.

Although the benefits outweigh the negatives Jean also told us about the challenges faced whilst volunteering. She explained that communication is the main challenges between clients and carers attending, staff and management.

Jean’s advice for others considering volunteer work is to ensure that you are clear with what you want to be involved in. She explains how this ensures that any volunteering benefits the organisation and you.

Jeans philosophy for volunteering is “to make it fun…for everyone”.


To read more about the Inclusively Fit Project, click here

Or for more information contact Jessica Lightwood