Energize, alongside a host of national and regional partners, work to ensure young people have a safe
environment to take part in sport and physical activity. 

We continue to meet the advanced level NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit's Safeguarding Standards as part of our commitment to safeguarding children and young people. We're here to provide signposting to resources, policies and experts in safeguarding to support sports and physical activity organisations. 


Energize STW Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy & Procedures

This policy appendix includes:

  • Advice on photography and use of images
  • Energize safeguarding incident reporting form
  • Types of abuse and neglect
  • Useful contacts
  • Energize Volunteers (Safeguarding considerations)

Refer a concern

If you have a safeguarding concern about a local sports organisation or activity please contact us via [email protected] or contact our Lead Safeguarding Officer Harry Cade

If you are affiliated to a national governing body of sport you can refer concerns direct to your NGB safeguarding lead or contact our Sport Welfare Manager for further advice and guidance Leah Goode

If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999

Support agencies

The following agencies are available to provide Safeguarding advice, guidance and support:

Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)

The CPSU is a partnership between the NSPCC, and Sport England, and has a wealth of experience in developing safe sports environments. Its resource library provides templates, best practice examples and templates for you to use to ensure you are helping young people to take part in activity in a safe environment. Information is also available to support procedures for safe away trips which can be found here.

National Governing bodies of sport (NGB’s)

NGB’s provide sport and activity specific safeguarding support. A list of all recognised NGB’s can be found here: Sport England list of NGBs

Safeguarding Partnerships (formerly Local Safeguarding Children Boards)

Local Safeguarding Partnerships have been set up and co-ordinate the local provision for child protection in each respective county.

Support available for children and young people


Childline is for children only and is a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything - 0800 11 11

Childline have also launched a new Mental Health Hub which can be accessed here.

Home Office

The Home Office has created a new campaign, 'Something's Not Right', to help secondary children in England who suffered a range of harms, such as sexual and physical abuse, during lockdown.
'Something's Not Right' has been developed in close collaboration with the NSPCC, Barnardo's, The Children's Society, Internet Watch Foundation and the Marie Collins Foundation.

Young Minds

Young Minds are leading the movement to make sure every young person gets the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what. If you're feeling different from usual or noticed a change in your behaviour, find out about some common feelings and symptoms, how to cope, and where to go to get help by clicking here.

Further support for organisations, clubs, groups or parent/carers

Below is a list of useful agencies and other sources of advice and guidance:


Click here if you have a concern about a young person in Telford.


Click here if you have a concern about a young person in Shropshire.


Report abuse helpline - 0808 800 5000 or email [email protected] or use the Online report form 


CPSU have created a Parents' Hub to sign-post parents to all the advice you need to keep your child safe in sport, from choosing safe clubs and activities, to supporting your child in a positive way. The Parents' Hub can be found here.

CPSU have also created a poster for displaying at clubs and organisations reminding parents of 5 key  questions they should be asking the club or group.


NHS have information and guidance on how to speak to children and young people about feelings, especially if you think there is a problem. The guidance can be found here.

Activity Alliance

Activity Alliance is the leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity and have safeguarding information, advice and guidance on their website.


Stonewall will work with all organisations to ensure they offer inclusive, equal and inspiring environments for LGBTQI+ people, and to empower them as advocates and agents of change in wider society. Further information, resources, help and advice can be found on their website.

Sporting Equals

Sporting Equals is an independent body that actively works to promote ethnic diversity throughout the sporting community. They exist to empower organisations, individuals as well as communities to achieve their full potential and promote a more active and healthier lifestyle. Further information, research and advice can be found on their website.

UK Coaching

UK Coaching have produced a 'Code of Practice for Sports Coaches' outlining key principles linked to rights, relationships, personal standards and professional standards. Click here to view the code of practice.

Department for Education

The DfE have published a code of practice offering non-statutory guidance for providers offering out of school activities and tutoring. Click here to view the guidance.

**Updates to Position of Trust legislation**

The Ministry of Justice has announced the Positions of Trust law, which currently applies to roles like teachers and social workers, has been extended to cover 'any adult who has regular and direct contact with children and is in a position of authority over them’. 

The Close the Loophole campaign, run by the NSPCC and backed by many sports organisations, has resulted in the Ministry of Justice extending the law to see sports coaches and faith leaders included in this definition.

This extends the legal protection for 16 and 17 year olds to prevent them being targeted by adults who hold a position of power and influence over them. Although young people aged 16 and 17 have reached the age of consent for sexual activity according to UK law, they could be vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation in certain situations. 

The NSPCC have developed two briefing papers that define abuse of positions of trust within a sports and dance context, and outlines the updated legislation passed in response to the success of NSPCC's Close the loophole campaign.

These papers discuss the positive impact that those in position of trust can have on young people, and highlights recommended best practice for sports clubs, activities and organisations.

Briefing Papers:

Preventing Abuse Positions of Trust - Sport

Preventing Abuse Positions of Trust - Dance

Additional resources for organisations, clubs, groups or parent/carers

Due to the coronavirus children and young people are likely to be using online technology and devices more than usual to keep them connected, educated and entertained. Below are some resources to support the online safety of children and young people:


From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, NSPCC can help you to understand the risks. View their online safety resources here.


A practical guide for parents on how to keep teens safe online, including useful summaries of popular internet apps as well as the types of threats teens could be exposed to online. Access the Parents’ Guide to Teaching your Teen Online Safety here.

Parent Zone

Guides for parents that includes information and advice on features good and bad, plus privacy and safety settings on the online services young people use. You can access the parent guides here.

Internet Matters

From age-specific online safety checklists to guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, you’ll find a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world. You can access the resources here.

Travel & Trips Away

If working with children and young people, and planning travel or trips away, gain written consent from the correct people and fill out relevant checklists and information forms. 

CPSU provide further information on travel and trips away, including the Away Trips and Fixtures - Safeguarding Considerations Briefing Paper.

Additional CPSU resources on travel and trips away also include:

Safeguarding Training

You can find further training by accessing our training page.